It’s a flaw of mine, I know, that I can follow an author’s writing yet know little about him or her. Only recently, for example, did I learn that Edith Wharton, one American’s great novelists, was an expatriate. She lived in France and distinguished herself during World Wa
I’ve long been a fan of writer, Edith Wharton, so when I came across a reprint of her essay, first published in March 1938, naturally I stopped to read it. In the course of her remarks, she made a number of observations, some of which were curious. What, for example, did she m
Edith Wharton once said, “What’s the use of making mysteries? It only makes people want to nose ‘em out.” Well, how right she is. I’ve encountered two mysteries within the past few days that leave me scratching my head. As the experiences may be of use to my fellow w